Supporting My Children in Their Growth

The Basic Needs of the Child for Development


  • A better understanding of your children and of their needs, and, in this way, foster their development.
  • Significant improvement in your relationship with each child.
  • Understand the cause of certain behaviours in order to manage the difficulties encountered.
  • Enable each child to find their place in the family and their actual environment


This workshop enables you to observe all the stages of a child’s life, from their first years until adulthood.

Part 1 – My frame of reference

  • The persons to whom I refer interiorly
  • My ideas, hesitations, doubts, and questions concerning education

Part 2 – Aspirations and needs

  • The potentialities and aspirations of my children
  • Their need to be loved for themselves
  • Their need for security
  • Their need to be respected at each stage of growth
  • Their need for apprenticeships
  • Their need to be helped to become themselves
  • Their need to be accompanied in their sufferings

Action plan and final inventory

  • Assessment of my strong points and weak points concerning education and my responsibility as parent

The training takes place in a group. Questions invite you to observe your life on the parenting theme and to explore your experience. The time of guided analysis is followed by optional sharing, without discussion. In order to deepen participants’ personal research, the educator gives input and uses various means (diagrams, commentaries, observation notes, etc.). The variety of experiences shared in the group enriches participants. You are then invited to make well thought out decisions corresponding to your actual reality.

Conditions de participation

This formation is open to all parents regardless of their children’s age (and also to grandparents who want to look at their relationship with their grandchildren). The formation is not recommended for deeply perturbed individuals or for individuals in psychotherapy, unless they receive the approval from their psychotherapist.

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