Living with More Inner Balance

The different functionings of the person


  • Discover the various ways of functioning of the person.
  • Identify your proper ways of functioning and your dysfunctions.
  • Identify possible adjustments for a more harmonious life be more coherent with who you are.


Global approach

Part 1 – The various ways of functioning of the pivotal centres of the person

  • The being and its ways of functioning
  • The “I” and its ways of functioning
  • The body and its ways of functioning
  • The sensibility and its ways of functioning

Part 2 – Restoring order in myself

  • Evolving toward proper ways of functioning through re-education
  • Making decisions and leading my life
  • Action plan and final inventory

The training takes place in a group. Questions invite you to observe your life on the theme being dealt with and to describe your experience. The time of guided analysis is followed by optional sharing, without entering into discussion. In order to deepen participants’ personal research, the educator gives input and uses various means (diagrams, commentaries, observations notes, etc.). The variety of experiences shared in the group enriches participants. You are invited to make well thought out decisions corresponding to your actual reality.

Actuellement au calendrier de:

Conditions de participation

This formation is accessible to all adults. It is recommended to have taken one or two other PRH formation, including Who Am I?

The formation is not recommended for deeply perturbed individuals or for individuals in psychotherapy, unless they receive approval from their psychotherapist.


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