Building Our Future as a Couple

The essential aspects of a committed relationship


  • Provide you with means to progressin building your couple.
  • Knowone another betterin your couple dimension.
  • Further enterin to your bond of being as a couple and into what constitutes your unity.


Getting underway

Part 1 – The 4 poles of the growth of a couple

  • My personal progress and my growth
  • Our commitments alone and together
  • Our progress in unity
  • The relationship of our bodies and our sexuality

Part 2 – The foundation of the couple

  • What unites us at a deep level
  • The meaning of our couple
  • Action plan and final inventory

The training takes place in a group and is facilitated by a couple. Questions invite you to observe your life on the theme being dealt with and to describe your experience. The time of guided analysis is followed by sharing as a couple. Then there is sharing in the group of what each couple has agreed to share. In order to deepen the participants’ personal research, the educator gives input and uses various means (diagrams, commentaries, observations notes, etc.). The variety of experiences shared in the group enriches participants. You are also invited to make well thought out decisions corresponding to your actual reality.

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Conditions de participation

The formation is open to couples (married or not) regardless of their age or the stage of their relationship. They must come as a couple and have lived together as a couple for a few years. It is recommended to have previously taken another PRH formation. The formation is not recommended for deeply perturbed individuals or for individuals in psychotherapy, unless they receive approval from their psychotherapist.

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