Accelerating My Growth

Means and attitudes for personal development


  • Gain a better grasp of how to develop all the aspects of your personality.
  • Discover the stages of an itinerary aiming at self-actualization.
  • Understand how changes can take place in you through personal methodical progress.
  • The possibility of entering into a personal methodical program (Personal Methodical Training program).


  • My growth: what does it involve? What is effective and what is not for my progress.
  • Where am I concerning taking into account my whole person in my growth journey?
  • Discovering the eleven laws of personal growth:
  1. Five basic attitudes to live
  2. Six rails of means to progress
  • Presentation of a personal development tool:
  1. The personal methodical training guide. The work proposed allows to develop a keen look on your growth journey and an action plan in order to progress efficiently.

The training takes place in a group. Questions invite you to observe your life on the theme being dealt with and to describe your experience. The time of guided analysis is followed by optional sharing, without entering into discussion. In order to deepen participants’ personal research, the educator gives input and uses various means (diagrams, commentaries, observations notes, etc.). The variety of experiences shared in the group enriches participants. You are invited to make well thought out decisions corresponding to your actual reality.

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Conditions de participation

This formation is meant for individuals who have the desire to take charge of their personal development using the PRH tool, and the desire to follow a personalized guided and methodical itinerary, so as to accelerate their growth process. You are required to have taken the Who Am I? formation or the modules Discovering the Core of My Identity and Growing in Personal Solidity and the formation Exploring My Inner World. The formation is not recommended for deeply perturbed individuals or for individuals in psychotherapy, unless they receive approval from their psychotherapist.

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