Prioritising my commitments
Themes offered
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Accelerating My Growth
Pre-requisite/s: Who Am I? and Exploring My Inner World
Workshop or the modules Discovering the Core of My Identity and Growing in Personal Solidity

Becoming more true to myself in my daily life
Pre-requisite/s: Who am I? and Exploring my inner world

Building Our Future as a Couple
The workshop is open to couples (married or not) regardless of their age or the stage of their relationship

Exploring My Inner World
Pre-requisite/s: Who Am I? and Exploring My Inner World
Formation or the modules Discovering the Core of My Identity and Growing in Personal Solidity

Exploring My Present Relationships
Pre-requisite/s: Who Am I? and Exploring My Inner World
Formation or the modules Discovering the Core of My Identity and Growing in Personal Solidity

Finding fulfilment at work
This formation is for adults working in a group or enterprise, whether they hold a position of responsibility or not.

Freeing Life in Me
This formation is open to all adults. It is not required to have specific competencies for drawing or painting.

Freeing Myself from Imbalances in My Relationships
This formation is accessible to all adults. It is recommended to have taken one or two other PRH workshops, including Who Am I?

Listening to Life Stirring in My Being
Pre-requisite/s: Who Am I? and Exploring My Inner World
Formation or the modules Discovering the Core of My Identity and Growing in Personal Solidity

Listening to the Messages from My Body
Pre-requisite/s: Who Am I?
Formation or the modules Discovering the Core of My Identity and Growing in Personal Solidity

Management and Human Relations
This formation is for adults working in a group our enterprise, and who hold a position of responsibility.

Opening Myself up to Realities Greater than Me
This formation is open to all adults. It is preferable to have followed another PRH formation and one formation on PRH analysis.

Relating to Money and Material Possessions
Pre-requisite/s: Who Am I?
Formation or the modules Discovering the Core of My Identity and Growing in Personal Solidity

Relating to My Body
Pre-requisite/s: Who Am I?
Formation or the modules Discovering the Core of My Identity and Growing in Personal Solidity

Supporting My Children in Their Growth
This formation is open to all parents regardless of their children’s age