Accompaniment Groups

Follow-up formation is offered in the form of an Accompaniment Group:

Participating in an Accompaniment Group (GRAC) encourages and stimulates your growth... If making time for yourself remains a challenge, this is a privileged moment for you to explore your inner experience. Such a group encourages personal and relational progress, with the expert help of a PRH professional.

A PRH Accompaniment Group is made up of people who have taken at least one PRH formation (or who will take one during the year), and who meet monthly for 3 hours each time. During these meetings, they work together on a designated theme around personal growth.

These meetings encourage the integration of the PRH explanatory system, a key to self-understanding, contributing to concrete changes in daily life.

In this way, you benefit from a solidarity of growth with other people who, like you, are eager to progress.

find out more...

Contact a PRH Educator by completing the following form: