Advanced Personal Workshop

You are looking for:

deploy your strengths and creativity;
exercise constructive leadership;
contribute to the advancement of individuals and society.

The Advanced Personal Training program offers reliable, validated benchmarks to keep you motivated throughout the process:

  • a finer discovery of your personality;
  • greater coherence with your values;
  • progress in freeing yourself from obstacles to a full life;
  • deepen the meaning of your commitment to society.

Prerequisites for this program

This training program is offered to you after you have achieved your FPM training objectives.

How to register for this program

  • Completion of the FPM program.
  • Participate in a two-day FPA entry meeting.

One possible modality:

  • individually, with the support of a training supervisor chosen by the participant from among those qualified to offer the program;
  • the FPA program is spread over a three-year period, and includes participation in a number of more in-depth training courses, as well as an annual assessment.

At the end of the program, an official certificate from the PRH Training School is awarded.

find out more...

Contact the Formation PRH secretariat by completing the following form: