Individual accompaniment (helping relationship)

The PRH Helping Relationship consists of accompanying persons in their growth. The goal is to free the energy of the being and restore inner order so that persons can function harmoniously.

The PRH Helping Relationship may be short-term or long-term.

Short-term Helping Relationships are helpful when the person:

needs to talk
needs to understand oneself
needs help with a decision
needs help in a difficult situation
is looking to improve relationships on a personal or professional level

Long-term Helping Relationships are used when dealing with more in-depth aspects of the personality.

It focuses on freeing a person’s essential riches of being.
It involves a healing process leading to greater unity and restoration of order in the person.

Regardless of the length of the helping relationship, it is a professional and a human relationship in which persons are called forth at the level of their being and are stimulated to grow in accordance with their gifts.

The PRH Helping Relationship also calls for clients to be involved in learning and improving their method of being helped and to grow in autonomy. Consequently, persons manage their own growth and choose the content of their interviews.

“Life-giving relationships are the bread of growth. In other words, they are essential ‘nourishment’ for those who wish to grow.”

from Persons and Their Growth, p. 158
